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An outline to make the government processes more transparent and to introduce the culture of open by default


Do you know exactly how much of your tax money is spent on street lights or on cancer research? What is the shortest, safest and most scenic bicycle route from your home to your work? And what is in the air that you breathe along the way? Where in your region will you find the best job opportunities and the highest number of fruit trees per capita? When can you influence decisions about topics you deeply care about, and whom should you talk to?

New technologies now make it possible to build the services to answer these questions automatically. Much of the data you would need to answer these questions is generated by public bodies. However, often the data required is not yet available in a form which is easy to use. This book is about how to unlock the potential of official and other information to enable new services, to improve the lives of citizens and to make government and society work better.

The notion of open data and specifically open government data - information, public or otherwise, which anyone is free to access and re-use for any purpose - has been around for some years. In 2009 open data started to become visible in the mainstream, with various governments (such as the USA, UK, Canada and New Zealand) announcing new initiatives towards opening up their public information.

What Is Open Data?

Open data is as defined by the Open Definition:

Open data is data that can be freely used, re-used and redistributed by anyone - subject only, at most, to the requirement to attribute and sharealike.

The full Open Definition gives precise details as to what this means. To summarize the most important:

If you’re wondering why it is so important to be clear about what open means and why this definition is used, there’s a simple answer: interoperability.

Interoperability denotes the ability of diverse systems and organizations to work together (inter-operate). In this case, it is the ability to interoperate - or intermix - different datasets.

Interoperability is important because it allows for different components to work together. This ability to componentize and to ‘plug together’ components is essential to building large, complex systems. Without interoperability this becomes near impossible — as evidenced in the most famous myth of the Tower of Babel where the (in)ability to communicate (to interoperate) resulted in the complete breakdown of the tower-building effort.

We face a similar situation with regard to data. The core of a “commons” of data (or code) is that one piece of “open” material contained therein can be freely intermixed with other “open” material. This interoperability is absolutely key to realizing the main practical benefits of “openness”: the dramatically enhanced ability to combine different datasets together and thereby to develop more and better products and services (these benefits are discussed in more detail in the section on ‘why’ open data).

Providing a clear definition of openness ensures that when you get two open datasets from two different sources, you will be able to combine them together, and it ensures that we avoid our own ‘tower of babel’: lots of datasets but little or no ability to combine them together into the larger systems where the real value lies.

Why Is It Important?

Open data, especially open government data, is a tremendous resource that is as yet largely untapped. Many individuals and organisations collect a broad range of different types of data in order to perform their tasks. Government is particularly significant in this respect, both because of the quantity and centrality of the data it collects, but also because most of that government data is public data by law, and therefore could be made open and made available for others to use. Why is that of interest?

There are many areas where we can expect open data to be of value, and where examples of how it has been used already exist. There are also many different groups of people and organisations who can benefit from the availability of open data, including the government itself. At the same time it is impossible to predict precisely how and where value will be created in the future. The nature of innovation is that developments often come from unlikely places.

It is already possible to point to a large number of areas where open government data is creating value. Some of these areas include:

Examples exist for most of these areas.

In terms of transparency, projects such as the Finnish ‘tax tree’ and British ‘where does my money go’ show how your tax money is being spent by the government. And there’s the example of how open data saved Canada $3.2 billion in charity tax fraud. Also various websites such as the Danish track activity in parliament and the law making processes, so you can see what exactly is happening, and which parliamentarians are involved.

Open government data can also help you to make better decisions in your own life, or enable you to be more active in society. A woman in Denmark built, which showed all the Danish public toilets, so that people she knew with bladder problems can now trust themselves to go out more again. In the Netherlands a service,, is available which warns you with a message if the air-quality in your vicinity is going to reach a self-defined threshold tomorrow. In New York you can easily find out where you can walk your dog, as well as find other people who use the same parks. Services like ‘mapumental’ in the UK and ‘mapnificent’ in Germany allow you to find places to live, taking into account the duration of your commute to work, housing prices, and how beautiful an area is. All these examples use open government data.

Economically, open data is of great importance as well. Several studies have estimated the economic value of open data at several tens of billions of Euros annually in the EU alone. New products and companies are re-using open data. The Danish helps you to find ways of improving the energy efficiency of your home, including financial planning and finding builders who can do the work. It is based on re-using cadastral information and information about government subsidies, as well as the local trade register. Google Translate uses the enormous volume of EU documents that appear in all European languages to train the translation algorithms, thus improving its quality of service.

Open data is also of value for the government itself. For example, it can increase government efficiency. The Dutch Ministry of Education has published all of their education-related data online for re-use. Since then, the number of questions they receive has dropped, reducing work-load and costs, and the remaining questions are now also easier for civil servants to answer, because it is clear where the relevant data can be found. Open data is also making government more effective, which ultimately also reduces costs. The Dutch department for cultural heritage is actively releasing their data and collaborating with amateur historical societies and groups such as the Wikimedia Foundation in order to execute their own tasks more effectively. This not only results in improvements to the quality of their data, but will also ultimately make the department smaller.

While there are numerous instances of the ways in which open data is already creating both social and economic value, we don’t yet know what new things will become possible. New combinations of data can create new knowledge and insights, which can lead to whole new fields of application. We have seen this in the past, for example when Dr. Snow discovered the relationship between drinking water pollution and cholera in London in the 19th century, by combining data about cholera deaths with the location of water wells. This led to the building of London’s sewage systems, and hugely improved the general health of the population. We are likely to see such developments happening again as unexpected insights flow from the combination of different open data sets.

This untapped potential can be unleashed if we turn public government data into open data. This will only happen, however, if it is really open, i.e. if there are no restrictions (legal, financial or technological) to its re-use by others. Every restriction will exclude people from re-using the public data, and make it harder to find valuable ways of doing that. For the potential to be realized, public data needs to be open data.

Purpose Of This Playbook

This book explains the basic concepts of ‘open data’, especially in relation to government. It covers how open data creates value and can have a positive impact in many different areas. In addition to exploring the background, the handbook also provides concrete information on how to produce open data.

This handbook targets a broad audience including:

This handbook is intended for those with little or no knowledge of the topic. If you do find a piece of jargon or terminology with which you aren’t familiar, please feel free to reach out to us.


Basic Terminologies

Data: A value or set of values representing a specific concept or concepts. Data becomes “information” when analyzed and possibly combined with other data in order to extract meaning, and to provide context. The meaning of data can vary depending on its context. Data includes all data. It includes, but is not limited to, 1) geospatial data 2) unstructured data, 3) structured data, etc.

Open Data: Data is open if it can be freely accessed, used, modified and shared by anyone for any purpose - subject only, at most, to requirements to provide attribution and/or share-alike. Specifically, open data is defined by the Open Definition and requires that the data be A. Legally open: that is, available under an open (data) license that permits anyone freely to access, reuse and redistribute B. Technically open: that is, that the data be available for no more than the cost of reproduction and in machine-readable and bulk form.

Dataset: A dataset is an organized collection of data. The most basic representation of a dataset is data elements presented in tabular form. Each column represents a particular variable. Each row corresponds to a given value of that column’s variable. A dataset may also present information in a variety of non-tabular formats, such as an extensible mark-up language (XML) file, a geospatial data file, or an image file, etc.

CSV: A comma separated values (CSV) file is a computer data file used for implementing the tried and true organizational tool, the Comma Separated List. The CSV file is used for the digital storage of data structured in a table of lists form. Each line in the CSV file corresponds to a row in the table. Within a line, fields are separated by commas, and each field belongs to one table column. CSV files are often used for moving tabular data between two different computer programs (like moving between a database program and a spreadsheet program).

JSON: JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate. It is based on a subset of the JavaScript Programming Language, Standard ECMA-262 3rd Edition - December 1999. JSON is a text format that is completely language independent but uses conventions that are familiar to programmers of the C-family of languages, including C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, Python, and many others. These properties make JSON an ideal data-interchange language.

Metadata: To facilitate common understanding, a number of characteristics, or attributes, of data are defined. These characteristics of data are known as “metadata”, that is, “data that describes data.” For any particular datum, the metadata may describe how the datum is represented, ranges of acceptable values, its relationship to other data, and how it should be labeled. Metadata also may provide other relevant information, such as the responsible steward, associated laws and regulations, and access management policy. Each of the types of data described above has a corresponding set of metadata.

OpenSource Software: Computer software that is available in source code form: the source code and certain other rights normally reserved for copyright holders are provided under an open-source license that permits users to study, change, improve and at times also to distribute the software.

Open source software is very often developed in a public, collaborative manner. Open source software is the most prominent example of open source development and often compared to (technically defined) user-generated content or (legally defined) open content movements.

API:An application programming interface, which is a set of definitions of the ways one piece of computer software communicates with another. It is a method of achieving abstraction, usually (but not necessarily) between higher-level and lower-level software.

Characteristics of Open Data

In general, open data will be consistent with the following principles:

Standards and Specifications

System owners and data owners should, wherever possible, consider relevant international and US standards for data elements. Standards bodies dealing with data include:

Open Data Licenses

For the purposes of Open Data, the term “Open License” is used to refer to any legally binding instrument that grants permission to access, re-use, and redistribute a work with few or no restrictions. While technically not a “license,” worldwide public domain dedications such as Creative Commons Zero also satisfy this definition. An “Open License” must meet the following conditions:

Examples of Open Licenses & Dedications

When agencies purchase data or content from third-party vendors, care must be taken to ensure the information is not hindered by a restrictive, non-open license. In general, such licenses should comply with the Open Knowledge Definition of an open license. Several examples of open licenses and dedications for use by agencies are listed below:

Worldwide Public Domain Dedications
Open Licenses


How To Open Up Data

This section forms the core of this handbook. It gives concrete, detailed advice on how data holders can open up data. We’ll go through the basics, but also cover the pitfalls. Lastly, we will discuss the more subtle issues that can arise.

There are three key rules we recommend following when opening up data:

Remember this is about innovation. Moving as rapidly as possible is good because it means you can build momentum and learn from experience – innovation is as much about failure as success and not every dataset will be useful.

It is essential to bear in mind that much of the data will not reach ultimate users directly, but rather via ‘info-mediaries’. These are the people who take the data and transform or remix it to be presented. For example, most of us don’t want or need a large database of GPS coordinates, we would much prefer a map. Thus, engage with infomediaries first. They will reuse and repurpose the material.

The Process To Open Data

There are four main steps in making data open, each of which will be covered in detail below. These are in very approximate order - many of the steps can be done simultaneously.

  1. Choose your dataset(s).Choose the dataset(s) you plan to make open. Keep in mind that you can (and may need to) return to this step if you encounter problems at a later stage.
  2. Apply an open license
    1. Determine what intellectual property rights exist in the data.
    2. Apply a suitable ‘open’ license that licenses all of these rights and supports the definition of openness discussed in the section above on ‘What Is Open Data’
    3. NB: if you can’t do this go back to step 1 and try a different dataset.
  3. Make the data available- in bulk and in a useful format. You may also wish to consider alternative ways of making it available such as via an API.
  4. Make it discoverable- post on the web and perhaps organize a central catalog to list your open datasets.

Choosing A Dataset

Choosing the dataset(s) you plan to make open is the first step – though remember that the whole process of opening up data is iterative and you can return to this step if you encounter problems later on.

If you already know exactly what dataset(s) you plan to open up you can move straight on to the next section. However, in many cases, especially for large institutions, choosing which datasets to focus on is a challenge. How should one proceed in this case?

Creating this list should be a quick process that identifies which datasets could be made open to start with. There will be time at later stages to check in detail whether each dataset is suitable.

There is no requirement to create a comprehensive list of your datasets. The main point to bear in mind is whether it is feasible to publish this data at all (whether openly or otherwise). Below are a few guiding questions that might help:

Involve The Community

We recommend that you ask the community in the first instance. That is the people who will be accessing and using the data, as they are likely to have a good understanding of which data could be valuable.

  1. Prepare a short list of potential datasets that you would like feedback on. It is not essential that this list concurs with your expectations, the main intention is to get a feel for the demand. This could be based on other countries’ open data catalogs.
  2. Create a request for comment.
  3. Publicise your request with a web page. Make sure that it is possible to access the request through its own URL. That way, when shared via social media, the request can be easily found.
  4. Provide easy ways to submit responses. Avoid requiring registration, as it reduces the number of responses.
  5. Circulate the request to relevant mailing lists, forums and individuals, pointing back to the main webpage.
  6. Run a consultation event. Make sure you run it at a convenient time where the average business person, data wrangler and official can attend.
  7. Ask a politician to speak on your agency’s behalf. Open data is very likely to be part of a wider policy of increasing access to government information.
Cost Basis

How much money do agencies spend on the collection and maintenance of data that they hold? If they spend a great deal on a particular set of data, then it is highly likely that others would like to access it.

This argument may be fairly susceptible to concerns of freeriding. The question you will need to respond to is, “Why should other people get information for free that is so expensive?”. The answer is that the expense is absorbed by the public sector to perform a particular function. The cost of sending that data, once it has been collected, to a third party is approximately nothing. Therefore, they should be charged nothing.

Ease Of Release

Sometimes, rather than deciding which data would be most valuable, it could be useful to take a look at which data is easiest to get into the public’s hands. Small, easy releases can act as the catalyst for larger behavioural change within organisations.

Be careful with this approach however. It may be the case that these small releases are of so little value that nothing is built from them. If this occurs, faith in the entire project could be undermined.

Observe Peers

Open data is a growing movement. There are likely to be many people in your area who understand what other areas are doing. Formulate a list on the basis of what those agencies are doing.


The template for the common inventory, currently available as an Excel spreadsheet. It includes fields in three categories:

Basic Information
  • Department
  • Workgroup
  • Dataset name
  • Dataset description
  • Data source
  • Data source type
  • Technical details
  • Data owner/contact
  • Technical contact
  • At-a-glance Assessment
    1. Quality
    2. Privacy
    3. Security
    4. Sensitivity
    5. Performance
    6. Priority
    7. Notes
    Post Publication Tracking
    1. Date published
    2. Update period
    3. Date last updated
    4. Date of next update

    Here are the definitions as included in the template:



    This is a flag only; datasets will be reviewed for privacy prior to publication. This list includes but is not limited to:



    Public information can be or currently is released to the public. It does not need protection from unauthorized disclosure, but does need integrity and availability protection controls. This would include general public information, published reference documents (within copyright restrictions), open source materials, approved promotional information and press releases.



    Sensitive information may not be specifically protected from disclosure by law and is for official use only. Sensitive information is generally not released to the public unless specifically requested. Although most all of this information is subject to disclosure laws, it still requires careful management and protection to ensure the integrity and obligations of the business operations and compliance requirements. It also includes data associated with internal email systems and user account activity information.



    Confidential information is information that is specifically protected in all or in part from disclosure under the laws of the area.




    Apply an Open License

    In most jurisdictions there are intellectual property rights in data that prevent third-parties from using, reusing and redistributing data without explicit permission. Even in places where the existence of rights is uncertain, it is important to apply a license simply for the sake of clarity. Thus, if you are planning to make your data available you should put a license on it – and if you want your data to be open this is even more important.

    What licenses can you use? We recommend that for ‘open’ data you use one of the licenses conformant with the Open Definition and marked as suitable for data. This list (along with instructions for usage) can be found at:

    A short 1-page instruction guide to applying an open data license can be found on the Open Data Commons site:

    Another option that can be used to understand these licenses in summarized form and in plain and simple english:

    Make Data Available (Technical Openness)

    Open data needs to be technically open as well as legally open. Specifically, the data needs to be available in bulk in a machine-readable format.


    Data should be priced at no more than a reasonable cost of reproduction, preferably as a free download from the Internet. This pricing model is achieved because your agency should not undertake any cost when it provides data for use.

    In Bulk

    The data should be available as a complete set. If you have a register which is collected under the statute, the entire register should be available for download. A web API or similar service may also be very useful, but they are not a substitute for bulk access.

    In An Open, Machine-readable Format

    Re-use of data held by the public sector should not be subject to patent restrictions. More importantly, making sure that you are providing machine-readable formats allows for greatest re-use. To illustrate this, consider statistics published as PDF (Portable Document Format) documents, often used for high quality printing. While these statistics can be read by humans, they are very hard for a computer to use. This greatly limits the ability for others to re-use that data.

    Here are a few policies that will be of great benefit:

    In particular it is better to give out raw data now than perfect data in six months’ time.

    There are many different ways to make data available to others. The most natural in the Internet age is online publication. There are many variations to this model. At its most basic, agencies make their data available via their websites and a central catalog directs visitors to the appropriate source. However, there are alternatives.

    When connectivity is limited or the size of the data extremely large, distribution via other formats can be warranted. This section will also discuss alternatives, which can act to keep prices very low.

    Online Methods
    Via Your Existing Website

    The system which will be mos familiar to your web content team is to provide files for download from web pages. Just as you currently provide access to discussion documents, data files are perfectly happy to be made available this way.

    One difficulty with this approach is that it is very difficult for an outsider to discover where to find updated information. This option places some burden on the people creating tools with your data.

    Via 3rd Party Sites

    Many repositories have become hubs of data in particular fields. For example, is designed to connect people with sensors to those who wish to access data from them. Sites like and allow public sector agencies to store massive quantities of data for free.

    Third party sites can be very useful. The main reason for this is that they have already pooled together a community of interested people and other sets of data. When your data is part of these platforms, a type of positive compound interest is created.

    Wholesale data platforms already provide the infrastructure which can support the demand. They often provide analytics and usage information. For public sector agencies, they are generally free.

    These platforms can have two costs. The first is independence. Your agency needs to be able to yield control to others. This is often politically, legally or operationally difficult. The second cost may be openness. Ensure that your data platform is agnostic about who can access it. Software developers and scientists use many operating systems, from smartphones to supercomputers. They should all be able to access the data.

    Via FTP servers

    A less fashionable method for providing access to files is via the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). This may be suitable if your audience is technical, such as software developers and scientists. The FTP system works in place of HTTP, but is specifically designed to support file transfers.

    FTP has fallen out of favour. Rather than providing a website, looking through an FTP server is much like looking through folders on a computer. Therefore, even though it is fit for purpose, there is far less capacity for web development firms to charge for customisation.

    As Torrents

    BitTorrent is a system which has become familiar to policy makers because of its association with copyright infringement. BitTorrent uses files called torrents, which work by splitting the cost of distributing files between all of the people accessing those files. Instead of servers becoming overloaded, the supply increases with the demand increases. This is the reason that this system is so successful for sharing movies. It is a wonderfully efficient way to distribute very large volumes of data.

    As an API

    Data can be published via an Application Programming Interface (API). These interfaces have become very popular. They allow programmers to select specific portions of the data, rather than providing all of the data in bulk as a large file. APIs are typically connected to a database which is being updated in real-time. This means that making information available via an API can ensure that it is up to date.

    Publishing raw data in bulk should be the primary concern of all open data initiatives. There are a number of costs to providing an API:

    1. The price. They require much more development and maintenance than providing files.
    2. The expectations. In order to foster a community of users behind the system, it is important to provide certainty. When things go wrong, you will be expected to incur the costs of fixing them.

    Access to bulk data ensures that:

    Providing data in bulk allows others to use the data beyond its original purposes. For example, it allows it to be converted into a new format, linked with other resources, or versioned and archived in multiple places. While the latest version of the data may be made available via an API, raw data should be made available in bulk at regular intervals.

    For example, the Eurostat statistical service has a bulk download facility offering over 4000 data files. It is updated twice a day, offers data in Tab-separated values (TSV) format, and includes documentation about the download facility as well as about the data files.

    Another example is the District of Columbia Data Catalog, which allows data to be downloaded in CSV and XLS format in addition to live feeds of the data.

    Make Data Discoverable

    Open data is nothing without users. You need to be able to make sure that people can find the source material. This section will cover different approaches.

    The most important thing is to provide a neutral space which can overcome both inter-agency politics and future budget cycles. Jurisdictional borders, whether sectorial or geographical, can make cooperation difficult. However, there are significant benefits in joining forces. The easier it is for outsiders to discover data, the faster new and useful tools will be built.

    Existing Tools

    There are a number of tools that are live on the web that are specifically designed to make data more discoverable.

    One of the most prominent is the DataHub and is a catalog and data store for datasets from around the world. The site makes it easy for individuals and organizations to publish material and for data users to find the material they need.

    In addition, there are dozens of specialist catalogs for different sectors and places. Many scientific communities have created a catalog system for their fields, as data are often required for publication.

    For Government
    Open Data Champions

    Each department’ open data champion is responsible for managing their department’s participation in the program. They work with leadership to set priorities, oversee the publication and ongoing management of datasets for their department, and participate in ongoing activities with the network of champions. They also keep the open dataset inventory up-to-date and contribute to annual reports and plans.

    Data Owners

    Data owners across City government contribute datasets to the inventory and to the portal.

    Department Leadership

    Department directors and managers guide their department’s participation in the open data program, setting open data-related performance goals for their teams, updating policies and procedures to reflect the open data policy, and making sure their staff have the time and resources to participate in the program. As needed, they work with open data champions to set priorities, engage stakeholders, and work through any sensitivities in their datasets prior to publication. They consult with open data champions at the start of new projects and software implementation to ensure that they facilitate compliance with the open data policy.

    As it has emerged, orthodox practice is for a lead agency to create a catalog for the government’s data. When establishing a catalog, try to create some structure which allows many departments to easily keep their own information current.

    Resist the urge to build the software to support the catalog from scratch. There are free and open source software solutions (such as CKAN) which have been adopted by many governments already. As such, investing in another platform may not be needed.

    There are a few things that most open data catalogs miss. Your programme could consider the following:

    For Civil Society

    Be willing to create a supplementary catalog for non-official data.

    It is very rare for governments to associate with unofficial or non-authoritative sources. Officials have often gone to great expense to ensure that there will not be political embarrassment or other harm caused from misuse or overreliance on data.

    Moreover, governments are unlikely to be willing to support activities that mesh their information with information from businesses. Governments are rightfully skeptical of profit motives. Therefore, an independent catalog for community groups, businesses and others may be warranted.

    What’s Next?

    We’ve looked at how to make government information legally and technically reusable. The next step is to encourage others to make use of that data.

    This section looks at additional things which can be done to promote data re-use.

    Tell The World!

    First and foremost, make sure that you promote the fact that you’ve embarked on a campaign to promote open data in your area of responsibility.

    If you open up a bunch of datasets, it’s definitely worth spending a bit of time to make sure that people know (or at least can find out) that you’ve done so.

    In addition to things like press releases, announcements on your website, and so on, you may consider:

    Understanding Your Audience

    Like all public communication, engaging with the data community needs to be targeted. Like all stakeholder groups, the right message can be wasted if it is directed to the wrong area.

    Digital communities tend to be very willing to share new information, yet they very rapidly consume it. Write as if your messages will be skimmed over, rather than critically examined in-depth.

    Members of the tech community are less likely than the general public to use MS Windows. This means that you should not save documents in MS Office formats which can be read offline. There are two reasons for this:

    Post Your Material On Third-party Sites

    Many blogs have created a large readership in specialised topic areas. It may be worthwhile adding an article about your initiative on their site. These can be mutually beneficial. You receive more interest and they receive a free blog post in their topic area.

    Making Your Communications More Social-media Friendly

    It’s unrealistic to expect that officials should spend long periods of time engaging with social media. However, there are several things that you can do to make sure that your content can be easily shared between technical users. Some tips:

    Social Media

    It’s inefficient for cash-strapped agencies to spend hours on social media sites. The most significant way that your voice can be heard through these fora is by making sure that blog posts are easily shareable. That means, before reading the next section, make sure that you have read the last. With that in mind, here are a few suggestions:

    These sites have a tendency to drive significant traffic to interesting material. They are also heavily focused on topic areas.

    Getting Folks In A Room: Unconferences And Meetups

    Face-to-face events can be a very effective way to encourage others to use your data. Reasons that you may consider putting on an event include:

    There are also lots of different ways of running events, and different types of events, depending on what aim you want to achieve. As well as more traditional conference models, which will include things like pre-prepared formal talks, presentations and demonstrations, there are also various kinds of participant driven events, where those who turn up may:

    There is plenty of documentation online about how to run these kinds of events, which you can find by searching for things like: ‘unconference’, ‘meetup’, ‘speedgeek’, ‘lightning talk’, and so on. You may also find it worthwhile to contact people who have run these kinds of events in other countries, who will most likely be keen to help you out and to advise you on your event. It may be valuable to partner with another organisation (e.g. a civic society organisation, a news organisation or an educational institution) to broaden your base participants and to increase your exposure.

    Making Things! Hackdays, Prizes And Prototypes

    The structure of these competitions is that a number of datasets are released and programmers then have a short time-frame -running from as little as 48 hours to a few weeks - to develop applications using the data. A prize is then awarded to the best application. Competitions have been held in a number of countries including the UK, the US, Norway, Australia, Spain, Denmark and Finland.

    Examples For Competitions

    Show us a better way was the first such competition in the world. It was initiated by the UK Government’s “The Power of Information Taskforce” headed by Cabinet Office Minister Tom Watson in March 2008. This competition asked “What would you create with public information?” and was open to programmers from around the world, with a tempting £80,000 prize for the five best applications.

    Apps for Democracy, one of the first competitions in the United States, was launched in October 2008 by Vivek Kundra, at the time Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of the District of Columbia (DC) Government. Kundra had developed the groundbreaking DC data catalog,, which included datasets such as real-time crime feeds, school test scores, and poverty indicators. It was at the time the most comprehensive local data catalog in the world. The challenge was to make it useful for citizens, visitors, businesses and government agencies of Washington, DC.

    The creative solution was to create the Apps for Democracy contest. The strategy was to ask people to build applications using the data from the freshly launched data catalog. It included an online submission for applications, many small prizes rather than a few large ones, and several different categories as well as a “People’s Choice” prize. The competition was open for 30 days and cost the DC government $50,000. In return, a total of 47 iPhone, Facebook and web applications were developed with an estimated value in excess of $2,600,000 for the local economy.

    The Abre Datos (Open Data) Challenge 2010. Held in Spain in April 2010, this contest invited developers to create open source applications making use of public data in just 48 hours. The competition had 29 teams of participants who developed applications that included a mobile phone programme for accessing traffic information in the Basque Country, and for accessing data on buses and bus stops in Madrid, which won the first and second prizes of €3,000 and €2,000 respectively.

    Nettskap 2.0. In April 2010 the Norwegian Ministry for Government Administration held “Nettskap 2.0”. Norwegian developers – companies, public agencies or individuals – were challenged to come up with web-based project ideas in the areas of service development, efficient work processes, and increased democratic participation. The use of government data was explicitly encouraged. Though the application deadline was just a month later, on May 9, the Minister Rigmor Aasrud said the response was “overwhelming”. In total 137 applications were received, no less than 90 of which built on the re-use of government data. A total amount of NOK 2.5 million was distributed among the 17 winners; while the total amount applied for by the 137 applications was NOK 28.4 million.

    Mashup Australia. The Australian Government 2.0 Taskforce invited citizens to show why open access to Australian government information would be positive for the country’s economy and social development. The contest ran from October 7th to November 13th 2009. The Taskforce released some datasets under an open license and in a range of reusable formats. The 82 applications that were entered into the contest are further evidence of the new and innovative applications which can result from releasing government data on open terms. Now GovHack runs in multiple locations across Australia and New Zealand each year.

    Conferences and Hackdays

    One of the more effective ways for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to demonstrate to governments the value of opening up their datasets is to show the multiple ways in which the information can be managed to achieve social and economic benefit. CSOs that promote re-use have been instrumental in countries where there have been advances in policy and law to ensure that datasets are both technically and legally open.

    The typical activities which are undertaken as part of these initiatives normally include competitions, open government data conferences, “unconferences”, workshops and “hack days”. These activities are often organised by the user community with data that has already been published proactively or obtained using access to information requests. In other cases, civil society advocates have worked with progressive public officials to secure new releases of datasets that can be used by programmers to create innovative applications.

    Tools and Technologies:

    This section is a list of ready-to-use solutions or tools that will help the interested in jump-starting their open efforts. These are real, implementable, coded solutions that were developed to significantly reduce the barrier to implementing open data initiatives.

    Commonly used Open Data Platforms:


    CKAN is an open-source data catalog formally supported by the Open Knowledge Foundation, and can be installed on any Linux server, including cloud-hosted configurations. The Open Knowledge Foundation also offers hosting services for a monthly fee. CKAN is written in the Python programming language and designed for publishing and managing data either through a user interface or an API.

    CKAN has a modular architecture through which additional or custom features may be added. For example, the DDI Importer extension (sponsored by the World Bank) provides support for the DDI metadata standard, including harvesting of metadata from microdata catalogs.



    DKAN is designed to be “feature compatible” with CKAN. This means that its underlying API is identical, so systems designed to be compatible with CKAN’s API should work equally well with DKAN. DKAN is also open source, but it is based on Drupal, a popular content management system written in PHP instead of Python. This may be more appealing to organizations that have already invested in Drupal-based websites. Drupal has its own modular architecture with thousands of modules available for download. It also has an option to customize modules and a large developer community.



    Junar is a cloud-based SaaS Open Data platform, so data is typically managed within Junar’s infrastructure (the “all-in-one” model). Junar can provide either a complete data catalog or data via an API to a separate user catalog.



    OpenDataSoft is a cloud-based SaaS platform that offers a comprehensive suite of Open Data and visualization tools. The front end is fully open source. The platform supports common Open Data formats such as CSV, JSON and XML, along with geospatial formats such as KML, OSM and SHP. Search functionality is easy to use and the platform is available in multiple languages.

    World Bank partners can freely access a version of OpenDataSoft here.


    Semantic Media Wiki

    Semantic MediaWiki is an extension of MediaWiki – the wiki application best known for powering Wikipedia. While traditional wikis contain only text, Semantic MediaWiki adds semantic annotations that allow a wiki to function as a collaborative database and data catalog. Semantic MediaWiki is an RDF implementation, meaning that both data and metadata are stored as linked data and are accessible via linked data interfaces such as SPARQL.



    Socrata is a cloud-based SaaS Open Data catalog platform that provides API, catalog and data manipulation tools. One distinguishing feature of Socrata is that it allows users to create views and visualizations based on published data and save them for others to use. Additionally, Socrata offers an open-source version of its API, intended to facilitate transitions for customers that decide to migrate away from the SaaS model.



    Swirrl is a cloud-based SaaS Open Data platform built on linked data technologies (such as RDF and SPARQL) designed to achieve 100% compliance with the 5-star Open Data model. Swirrl, however, also makes data available via more conventional structures such as CSV.


    Geospatial Data Platforms

    ArcGIS Open Data

    ArcGIS Open Data is a cloud-based SaaS platform where users can explore both spatial and non-spatial data in a consistent interface, allowing extraction of specific features and download in multiple open formats and APIs. It is included for free with ArcGIS Online, leverages ArcGIS services, and integrates with hundreds of open-source applications for mobile, web and desktop. ArcGIS Open Data uses Koop, an open-source ETL engine that automatically transforms web services into accessible formats.



    GeoNode is an open source platform for developing geospatial information systems (GIS) and for deploying spatial data infrastructures. It is designed to be extended and modified, and can be integrated into existing platforms.


    Additional Reading

    These links provide more information and background on technology options.

    Case Studies/Use Cases

    Additional Resources